Monday 28 March 2016

Biceps Dumbbell Workout For Size


1. Curl

            4 sets
            Reps: 15-12-8-8
   Rest for 60 sec between sets.


2. Drag Curl

             4 sets
             Reps: 12-15

 Rest for 60 sec between the sets.


3. Hammer Curl

               4 sets
               Reps: 15-20
  Rest for 60 sec between the sets.

4. Cheat Curl

               4  sets
               Reps: Maximum
  Rest for 60 sec between the sets.

In this exercise use the heaviest possible Dumbbell and use the momentum of hips to curl.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Get In Shape This Summer

Step 2

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward, to perform a "touchdown," a combination squat and reverse lunge. Bend your knees 90 degrees while sticking your bottom out behind you. Take a large step backward with your left foot, then bend your knees at 90-degree angles to lunge. Push off with your left foot to return to start. Continue squatting and lunging, alternating legs, for 15 to 20 repetitions on each leg. This move combines leg and bottom strength training.

Step 3
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart to perform an explosive jumping lunge. Step forward with your right foot and bend your right and left knee at 90-degree angles to perform a basic lunge. Jump upward, switching legs midair. You should land with your left leg in front and your right leg behind. Bend your knees to lunge on your left leg. Continue for 10 to 20 repetitions. This exercise blasts your calves and thighs.

Step 4

Stand with feet together and your right foot on a folded towel so that your foot slides across the floor easily. Bend your left knee 45 degrees as you slide your right foot to the side. Slide your foot back to start as you straighten your left leg. Do 10 repetitions or as many as you can do in 30 seconds, then switch legs. This exercise targets your glutes, outer thighs and inner thighs.

Step 5

Stand with a medicine ball held firmly between your ankles. Step forward with your right foot, squeezing your legs together to keep the ball off the ground. Walk forward for 10 to 20 steps, then walk backward to your starting position. You'll feel this move in your inner thighs.

Step 6

Perform at least 150 minutes a week of moderate cardio -- including running, swimming, biking or elliptical exercise -- to burn excess calories and tone your lower half.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Outrageous Hell

This is my new youtube channel! 
Please watch for funny videos and do support!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

6 Simple Full Body Stretching Exercises

1. The Runner’s Stretch

(A) Step your right foot forward and lower into a lunge, placing your fingertips on the floor or on two firm cushions if your hands don’t reach.

(B) Breathe in, then, in one motion, exhale as you straighten your right leg. Slowly return to the lunge position. Repeat four times. Switch sides.

2. The Standing Side Stretch

(A) Stand with your feet together and your arms straight overhead. Clasp your hands together, with your fingers interlaced and pointer fingers extended. Inhale as you reach upward.

(B) Breathe out as you bend your upper body to the right. Take five slow breaths. Slowly return to the center. Repeat on the left side

3. The Forward Hang

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and your knees slightly bent.

(A) Interlace your fingers behind your back. (If your hands don’t touch, hold on to a dish towel.) Breathe in and straighten your arms to expand your chest.

(B) Exhale and bend at your waist, letting your hands stretch toward your head. Hold for five deep breaths.

4. The Low Lunge Arch

Step your right foot forward into a lunge and lower your left knee onto the floor or a folded towel or blanket.

(A) Bring your arms in front of your right leg and hook your thumbs together, palms facing the floor.

(B) Breathe in as you sweep your arms overhead, stretching as far back as is comfortable. Take five deep breaths. Switch sides.

5. The Seated Back Twist

Sit on the floor with your legs straight.

(A) Bend your right knee and step your right foot over your left leg. Put your right hand on the floor, fingers pointing outward, for support. Bend your left elbow and turn to the right, placing the back of your arm against your right knee. Inhale as you sit tall.

(B) Breathe out as you twist, pressing your arm into your leg and looking over your right shoulder. Hold for five breaths, then slowly return to the center. Switch sides.

6. The Bound Angle

Sit on the floor with your legs straight.

(A) Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, letting your knees drop toward the ground. Hold your shins as you inhale and stretch your chest upward.

(B) Exhale as you hinge forward from your hips (without rounding your back) and place your palms on the ground. Hold for five slow breaths.